The fruit of the palm in Egypt, which is known by the
name of adipsos,[1] is put to a similar use in unguents, and is
held next in esteem after the myrobalanum. It is of a green
colour, has exactly the smell of a quince, and has no stone or
nut within. It is gathered a little before it begins to ripen.
That which is left ungathered is known as phœnicobalanus;[2]
it turns black, and has a tendency to inebriate the person who
eats of it. The price of myrobalanum is two denarii per pound.
The shop-keepers give this name also to the dregs of the
unguent that is made with it.
1. "Curing thirst." Dioscorides, B. i. c. 148, says that it was so called
from being full of juice, which quenched thirst like water.
2. "Palm-nut." Fée thinks it not improbable that one of the date-
palms is meant, if we may judge from the name. He suggests that possi-
bly the Elais or avoira of Guinea, the Elais Guineensis, which is found as
far as Upper Egypt, and which produces a fine oil known as palm-oil, is
meant, or possibly the Douma Thebaica, a palm-tree frequently met with
in Egypt. On fermentation, a vinous drink is extracted from the last,
which is capable of producing intoxication.